Does CBD Help With Anxiety, Stress, and Sleep?

Written by on July 25, 2023

Anyone who has dealt with fear, anxiety, stress, or insomnia knows just how difficult it can be to treat these common conditions, especially if you want to avoid going the pharmaceutical route. In the past few years, cannabidiol (CBD) has been widely hailed as a solution. So here’s what we have found out during our research.

Consumer Concerns:

Most people share the most significant reason they haven’t tried CBD yet is that they weren’t sure what to look out for and they were insecure about what brand to trust.

The top questions our clients are asking us is…“Can CBD really help me overcome anxiety, stress, pain, or even help me sleep better, and if so, how does it work?”

Recent studies indicate that the answer is indeed “YES,” and they give some insight into how CBD works with our bodies.

Stress Modulation

CBD may be used preventively as it protects the body’s cells from the effects of stress. By regulating the HPA axis, the molecule helps maintain homeostasis, and the proper functioning of our biochemistry in the body, even in persistent or unpredicted stress situations. The research published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology shows that CBD offers protection to the adrenal glands, thyroid, and brain during periods of unpredicted stress. The adrenal glands, when under constant stress tends to wear down and many people have been sharing the negative and even toxic effects of adrenal distress.

Research from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil has shown that CBD may help regulate how much cortisol and neurotransmitters we produce, which may give us “extra breathing room” during a stressful situation. It may also help with neurogenesis in the brain regions damaged from prolonged/unpredicted stress. The body feels balanced and heals when we calm our body and mind. Rest and repair are essentials for any form of healing to take root.

Anxiety and Sleep

Everyone has a friend or two who steers clear of cannabis because tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) increases their anxiety (hey, maybe you’re that friend). Turns out, they may be an excellent candidate to try CBD. According to a Washington State University study on the effects of marijuana on mental health, THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses but increases anxiety at higher doses, while CBD appears to decrease anxiety at all doses that have been tested.

If you’re concerned about the effects of THC on your anxiety levels, look for products formulated from hemp. Hemp is a type of cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC. We recommend Legend of The Spa remedies because their tinctures come from whole plant hemp extracts featuring the full spectrum of Phyto cannabinoids with under 0.3% of THC.

A recent case study published in The Permanente Journal indicates that CBD can help with both anxiety and sleep. The majority of participants in the study saw anxiety scores and sleep scores improve.

A clinical trial published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology concluded that “subjects receiving 160mg cannabidiol reported having slept significantly more than those receiving placebo.”

Lastly, a Project CBD survey found that CBD reduced the average time it took participants to fall asleep from 62 to 20 minutes. A majority of participants reported improvements in how they felt upon waking.

These results seem to come from the way CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). According to current research, the ECS regulates physiological effects such as pain, inflammation, relaxation, and sleep.

If you’re dealing with anxiety, stress, or sleep challenges, the research indicates that CBD may be just what you need, but finding the right natural products is key to aiding your body to rest, repair, and heal. The proprietary botanical formulas by Legend of The Spa remedies include no artificial ingredients, and no animal byproducts and they voluntarily test all of our products with independent laboratories to ensure the potency and purity of every batch.

Schedule a Zoom consultation to find out if CBD is right for you.

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