You are just “one thought away” this holiday season.

Written by on July 28, 2023

As the holidays approach, we are sending you a few reminders and a beautiful invite from our coaching and mentorship programs to help you heal through the holiday season. You are just one thought away from that being your reality.

Take a breath in and let it go. As the holidays approach, we are sending you a few reminders and a beautiful invite from our coaching and mentorship programs to help you heal through the holiday season. You are just one thought away from that being your reality.

Question- How does life feel for you right now? How do you mostly feel each day- mostly free, rich, prosperous, and calm? Or stressed, anxious, depressed and the feelings of fear seem to be taking over your mind more than you would like?

For so many of us, as we move into the holiday season, it can feel stressful, rushed, and chaotic. “It’s Thanksgiving already?”

I know that feeling all too well and I also know that there’s more here in this life than existing from one stressful moment to the next. You might be thinking “how will I even get through the holidays with my in-laws coming over” or “how can I say no to invitations when I don’t feel like engaging at all?”. Maybe the anticipation of interacting with family, and friends and working through the holidays feels super stressful when other people are thinking they know what is better for you than you do. Here are some holiday energy-shifting reminders that you got this! You can engage with people that push your buttons and survive it all!

Holiday reminders:

1. Do something that makes you feel good before Thanksgiving. Whether it is scheduling a much-needed massage, taking a yoga class, or even taking a long walk.

2. You do not have to say yes to everything. Remember No is a full sentence. This month of NOvember is your chance to practice the NO thank you a statement and conserve your energy.

3. Envision everything going well before you enter the room or before you open the door for your guests. There is so much power in your intention. You can experience peace and freedom from all that negative thinking. It can be real, it can be real for you and it can be real right now. Not when you retire, not when the kids grow up, not when you get the raise, and not any time in the future. Oh, another quick question- What’s sacred to you? Not just important, or safe- what is truly and deeply sacred in your life? Take a moment to think about that.

Do you think about your higher power? Maybe your exercise or yoga practice? A special place in nature? Your family, reading….

So I want to let you in on a little secret…

YOU CAN have a life where you experience everything as sacred and you can experience this life filled with Faith, love, peace, ease, and even magic during the holiday season.

That sounds amazing, right? Or maybe it sounds impossible, and if it does, I get that is a natural response based on how things have worked out in the past for you.

Newsflash- You are no longer who you were. You can shift your energy and find that peace that is what you truly want this holiday season. Creating a sacred space just for you allows you to better handle the people, places, and things that trigger you. It is a known fact that when you practice self-loyalty and learn how to fill your cup up first and put on that oxygen mask, you are better equipped to handle life’s challenges. Remember a sacred, peaceful, prosperous, and free life doesn’t just happen by accident: it doesn’t just show up at your altar or on your yoga mat. It must be created by you. Your energetic boundaries start with you making a decision to put yourself first in some way and sticking to it. Only you can build a bridge over the gap of pain in your life. When you firm up your energetic foundation, you can create more certainty in life, feel stronger and more capable, build healthy relationships and actually BREAK FREE from fear, stress, anxiety, and even the holiday blues without needing to lean on outside substances including food, drugs, alcohol and even prescription meds. Taking the steps to create that bridge toward true freedom and peace is simpler and closer to you than you think!

Go from this being “nice to know information” to “life-changing information” by scheduling your discovery call to find out more about life coaching, energy coaching, mindset mentorship, and business coaching now.

Join our 7-day self-loyalty challenge starting soon and start taking care of your Energy and learn to create that much-needed sacred space in your life!

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You are simply just one thought away from unwrapping true FREEDOM and PEACE this holiday season.

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